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Physical Education

Registering for Rugby and Netball Trials 2024

Key Stage 3


The Physical Education Department at BBG Academy is dedicated to providing as many sporting opportunities for our students as possible. At BBG Academy we strive to create a sports rich environment that provides pupils with the right environment to be comfortable to express themselves in a wide range of sports. Our aim is to give students the tools to enable a passion for sport and physical activity that will lead them to lifelong participation. While at BBG Academy, pupils will learn about the different components of physical fitness and they will gain the skills needed to ensure good health in this area throughout their life. At BBG, we also place a huge emphasis on the core values of sport and believe that these values can help develop students outside of the sporting arena. At BBG, in general, we look to teach our pupils about the code of conduct, etiquette, discipline, teamwork, fair play and resilience.

The Year 9 PE option aims to give students the knowledge to improve their understanding of some of the key factors that underpin sport and physical activity and prepare them for a lifelong involvement. The curriculum will aim to educate students further on the different body systems that are essential in sport and PA, how to live a healthy active lifestyle, how to optimise performance, the benefits of participating in sport and PA and how to do this safely and minimise the risks of injury. Students will learn through a range of methods that will help them to apply their knowledge to real life examples.

Key Stage 4


GCSE (9–1) study in Physical Education should be broad, coherent and practical, encourage learners to be inspired, motivated and challenged by the subject and enable them to make informed decisions about further learning opportunities and career pathways. 

GCSE (9–1) specifications in Physical Education will equip learners with the knowledge, understanding, skills and values to develop and maintain their performance in physical activities and understand the benefits to health, fitness and well-being. 

This will require them to:

  • develop theoretical knowledge and understanding of the factors that underpin physical activity and sport and use this knowledge to improve performance 
  • understand how the physiological and psychological state affects performance in physical activity and sport 
  • perform effectively in different physical activities by developing skills and techniques and selecting and using tactics, strategies and/ or compositional ideas 
  • develop their ability to analyse and evaluate to improve performance in physical activity and sport 
  • understand the contribution which physical activity and sport make to health, fitness and well-being 
  • understand key socio-cultural influences which can affect people’s involvement in physical activity and sport.

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